Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Waiting & Learning to be Still

When I'm particularly anxious, it drives me to keep busy. I want to avoid the situation causing the stress with movement and busyness. The last couple of weeks have been filled with anxiousness as we await the newest addition to our family. When the kids are awake, I'm hustling them to parks, play dates, and running errands. When they are down for a nap, I'm busy with everything and anything in the house - folding laundry (and actually putting it away because it's time consuming), doing dishes, vacuuming, and picking up toys.

When all of the chores are done and I actually sit still, I find myself wanting an escape from my thoughts. Sleep has become difficult. I'm distracting myself with mindless phone games, television, and pinning decor ideas on Pinterest until my thoughts are numb enough to fall asleep. I go to yoga once a week to "relax" but last week I literally had to walk out in the middle of it because my stomach was in knots.

It's hard for me to admit, because I've personally experienced God's faithfulness countless times especially with the adoption of Jacob. Yet, here I am struggling to trust Him. Today the chores waited while the boys napped, because the busyness has left me empty. What I was trying to distract myself from isn't getting any easier. I'm now desperate to be still with the God who has it all in His hands. I opened my devotional and this prayer really challenged me:

"Help me to trust you, because you are worthy to be trusted. You alone give good gifts. In faith I will rest in you for my future and the future of my family." - Adopted for Daily Life

I want to rest in Him. I want to rest in knowing that He knows the details and in His perfect timing. But geesh! Right now it's a daily hourly battle. Today I got vulnerable with Him and through tears begged God to anoint us with peace as we walk in this vastly unknown situation.

Will you join us in praying? We've been blessed to have so many of you walk alongside us and ask how things are going or if there are updates. To be honest, we are simply waiting and there is little known to us. We'd love your prayers for health of the baby and mama, peace for us, and wisdom for the doctors and nurses who will be involved.

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