Saturday, September 7, 2019

Children's Books We Love

When it came to finding books that were representative of our family, my eye first went to books based on adoption. However, I quickly learned that those left me disappointed. They either didn't use positive adoption language (for example:"gave up for adoption") or only showed families that looked alike. I was then on the hunt for books that weren't only geared toward adoption, but were simply geared on showing different types of families/people/emotions. With that being said, here are the top 5 children's books we love in our home:

We particularly love this book because it shows so many multi-racial families. My absolute favorite line is "We handle things together, we feel each other's pain. Family is the silver lining, the sunshine after the rain."

This book is great because it celebrates our differences through our mouths, hair, and eyes. On the flip side it also walks through how we are the same, which is important too. My favorite line is "We're the same. We're different. That's what makes the world such fun. Many kinds of people, not just one!"

This is the only adoption focused book we have on our kids' bookshelf. When I found it at an adoptive parent conference, I about cried looking through it. Our oldest son was going through a stage where he was finding power in hurtful words, particularly about him not being my biological son. This book's words are spot on and the illustrations are phenomenal at portraying the emotion of the child. My favorite line is when the mother responds, "I'm as real as it gets and I'm not giving up. I'm your mother in truth. Your mother. Forever."

This is a really fun book that goes through different types of families. A few examples are some kids live with an aunt, some children's parents are married, and some children are adopted. It literally walks through about every combination of family you can think of! My favorite line is: " stepsis, three stepbros, two stepmoms, and a prize-winning rose, a robot butler to serve you tea, the world's biggest grandpa, or whatever it might be. If you love each other, then you are a family."

This is a great book for toddlers and preschoolers. It describes a parent's love in multiple ways and even goes into how a parent still loves a child even when they've "broken the rules or made a big mess".  My favorite part in the book is at the very end, "I can't imagine life before you came along. You are the music to my dance and my song. I am meant for you, and you are meant for me, the one I love forevermore. Undeniably." 

+ If you are interested in learning more about adoption and the services we provide at Christian Adoption Consultants, I would love to chat! Feel free to email me at +


  1. Love this you also should get basically every book by Todd Parr!!! My faves are it’s okay to be different and The Okay Book. He also makes feeling cards that’s are like flash cards but with feeling words and pictures and they are really sturdy! They help kids learn emotions and find an emotion they are feeling and show you when they don’t necessarily want to talk about it!!!
